Red Stone Winery

Every now and then there are special projects that come along and the Red Stone Winery is one of them. It is a perfect fit with The Finlayson Practice’s desire to make spaces that are crafted to convey a commitment to excellence and sustainability. The overall operation of the vineyard is one of biodynamic farming, the wine produced is certified organic and the building will target LEED Gold.

The concept focussed on a seamless weaving of building and landscape – predominantly rows of grape vines. A series of fieldstone walls run parallel to the rows of vines and recount the foundation walls of Ontario barns. These walls frame the main dining and Tasting Rooms, which are lightly bounded by dynamic “view” glass walls. The other materials employed are those found in agricultural context – barn board and galvalum – and the forms are reminiscent of silos and long fence rows.

The result is a composition of thoughtfully-crafted elements with an inherent respect for materiality. The spaces are evocative, recalling the agricultural context and the art of wine-making. Every aspect reinforces the original concept, weaving together a story that delights at the smallest detail.