Toronto District School Board – Bloor Dufferin Land Use Master Plan

The Bloor-Dufferin Project is a multi-phase process that will see the reconciliation and redevelopment of three adjoining school sites – Kent Senior Public School (Kent), Bloor Collegiate Institute (Bloor CI) and Brockton High School (Brockton) – on 14.2 acres of strategically located lands just southwest of Dufferin Station along the TTC’s Bloor Danforth Subway line.  The site is comprised of the majority of lands between Bloor Street West and Croatia Street, extending west from Dufferin Street to Brock Avenue.

The site is currently underdeveloped and represents one of few large parcels of land directly accessible to transit and capable of accommodating a truly mixed-use, higher-density, rapid transit-oriented community.

The plan features a permeable fine-grain network of streets, pedestrian routes, and high-quality park spaces that are framed by appropriately-scaled buildings with animated and active ground floor uses. Taller buildings can be accommodated on the site and tower locations and heights were specifically selected through a shadow testing design process to limit new shadowing.

Intensification of the site would enhance the surrounding community through the delivery of a new and modern retail and community amenities, a significant new park space, new public open spaces and new retail along Bloor Street West to improve the vitality of the street.